


January 24, 2024

3 simple steps – How you can multiply your chances of Finding The Right Person for a difficult opening?

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If you have an urgent recruitment need, have to hire ad hoc, and do not have a talent pipeline ready, there is always a risk that you might not succeed in Finding The Right Person. When you operate in a highly competitive talent market, this is of course nothing new.

There is still stuff you can do to multiply your chances of Finding The One!

3 simple steps to multiply your chances of succeeding in Finding The Right Person

#1 Do marketing and choose your unique selling points carefully

It’s too late to start employer branding from scratch and get big results for this urgent recruitment need. But you should focus on the things you can still do for marketing:

  • Find the pains of the ideal expert you are looking for and what you can offer as a solution to them.
  • Use these pain points and your unique solution as your selling point when you do outreach.
  • People are not reading job ads as such. Produce a blog post about this unique selling point and promote it along with the job ad. Focus on good targeting.
  • This is also a good way to start doing employer brand marketing on an ongoing basis – it really makes it easier for you next time!

#2 Handpick candidates for outreach carefully & personalize your message

If you have a headhunting partner – make sure they handpick candidates for this particular position. If you are looking for a specific background, as is usually the case for SaaS companies, this is important.

Handpicking candidates case by case and not using a ready made pool boosts finding the right person for your role, culture and real business needs. Make sure that your partner finds and warms the leads just for your company and the defined profile.

Personalize your outreach message to each candidate and use your unique selling points. Use personalized videos!

Read more about how to define the right profile>>

If you are doing the handpicking and outreach yourself, make sure to personalize your outreach message to each candidate and use your unique selling points from step 1. This way you multiply your chances of getting an answer.

#3 Run a great process – Do not compromise this one!

A good recruitment process is an honest process. It's open, transparent and has good communication – that happens weekly. If you do not communicate about your process, you will most likely lose the good candidates.

A good process is open, transparent and has good communication – that happens weekly.

If you are assisted by a recruitment partner, make sure of this one. In TalentBee's recruitment process, for example, we communicate actively, we work in the client's own recruitment systems, and there remains documentation from every exchange of messages with candidates.

Running a great process ensures that all of the candidates, also the ones who won’t be chosen this time, get a good experience from your company. If your candidate experience sucks and you get a bad reputation because of that, it makes finding good candidates in the future significantly harder.

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